What Education Should Be in Today's Era?

September 11, 2001 two thousands and nine hundred ninety six people were instantly killed within an hour and forty-two minutes. Without warning or notice, the plane hijacked by the terrorists successfully creates terror to the people in New York City even until now. Osama Bin Laden as the mastermind of this tragedy had become the most wanted list even since 1999 and only can be found in 2011. Twelve years was the time needed by the most capable man in U.S to capture a single guy, proves the intelligence possessed by Osama. However with the intelligence like him, become the juxtaposition of what every nation were hoping for in promoting the education system. Instead of disintegration and terror, nations were looking for an advancement and development.
Majority of the time of children and teenagers were spent in school and with their peers. Parents were likely to work and had no time to interact with their children. Hence, it makes school as the most likely of place for children and teenagers being educated. The responsibility of school in creating the best place for education has becoming higher and higher, leading governments to improve the quality of the teachers and students experience in learning. A good education system is measured by the grades students acquired in school. Leading grades to become the priority in education system and create a habit on student in pursuing on good grades only.
Through this, the development can be immediately felt as the vast emergence in technology, economy, medical and many other areas. Thus, the attempt by the nations had succeeded. Indonesia has seventy six percent of graduate students and the number will kept on increasing in the future. Meanwhile academically, education has becoming better, it is worrying when the other x-factor in students are neglected. It is the EQ.
The lack of EQ is the reason of people to commit crimes and moreover it kept on increasing. It is not easy to learn, where it needs time and habitual activity in order to accomplish it. Although it can be done by ethical studies in learning what is right and wrong, it is still harder rather than improving one’s IQ. Many researchers had shows the importance of emotion in people’s life as it determine how they react towards a certain problem. People with less empathy would likely to give cold respond rather than people filled with empathy. And the development of empathy are linked to the moral development, where it gives students the ideas of what they supposed to do for goodness and what is not appropriate.
In today’s era, ethical are not considered as an important subject and only stressing on the grades to improve the school’s standard. Good grades students are allowed to pass even though they had low ethical behavior should be considered as malpractice in educating students. Because education is not only trying to become a great researchers or great people, but to become great people, students need to develop characters. Characters that will help them to build nations to be a better place, so there will be no war, but a great place filled with understanding and compassion.
Thus, education organization can make ethical studies as the main subject in class failed the students if they can’t fulfill what is needed to be ethical. Other than that, teachers are given the responsibility to give moral learning to the students, so that students can grow live to the fullest with great characters and lead the future ahead of them.
